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Sunday, January 2, 2011

Day 2 - Action Shot

This is a picture of my dog Buddy (yellow lab and collie mix) chasing another dog.


  1. Hey where is the Lab, did the black dog eat him?

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  2. Dogs and snow what a great mix, looks like he's having a blast.

  3. I think he looks like he is ready to run through that snow...what a cutie..I love his little pink tongue!!

  4. looks like a very nice dog, i bet we will se more of him, and I sure want to :-)

  5. Looks like a happy dog! What is up with all this snow in people's photos anyway? Is everyone here east of The Rockies?

  6. Buddy is certainly intent on what he is doing. I'm looking forward to seeing more of him. BTW is it border collie mix? or another type collie? I'm partial to lab-border collie mixes as that is what our Bailey is (only black lab).And how old is he?

  7. He's a regular collie, yellow lab mix and is 4 years old this past dec. 16. Funny story, he was born with 12 other brothers and sisters. The old owners were naming the puppies the names of the 11 reindeers (Dasher, Dancer, Prancer and Vixen...). But when they got to Buddy, they didn't have anymore reindeer names so they just went with Buddy and the next pup Biggy.

  8. A beautiful dog - and an active one!

  9. Great story about the names! And he looks to be a very vivacious pup!
