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Monday, January 3, 2011

Day 3 - Free Theme - Train

Today, I had trouble finding an "airborne themed scene", so I decided to use one of my free themes. This is a picture of a train that was passing by while I waited for my own train to come. If you look at it, it is kind of a combination of Abstract and Action Shot. To take this, my camera was set on the "sport".


  1. I like it , did you hand hold. When I don't have a tripod for a shot like this I find a way to balance the camera on a support.

  2. I am glad I am not on that train...I get sick just looking at this picture and thinking of the speed lol.

    You don't have to go in theme order on this challenge...this would have been great for motion blur, panning, blurred, etc....

  3. Great job, I like the lights and the way they show the action. Next time you can move with the train, panning.

  4. I like any photo involving trains, and the lightening bolts that are following this one is real cool.

  5. Wonderful Action Photo - Well Done.

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  6. Great job! You have an amzing eye to see the art around you!

  7. This is so wonderful! How long was your exposure for this? There is no doubt that this photo is about speed. How fast do these trains travel? Great photo!

  8. A most interesting shot.
